Decree-Law no. 152/2017, December 7th
- Proceeds 2nd amendment to Decree-Law No. 306/2007, of 27 August (1st amendment made by Decree-Law No. 92/2010, of 26 July), which establishes the water quality regime for human consumption, introducing European directives 2015/1787/EU and 2013/51/EURATOM into Portuguese legislation
Decree-Law no. 306/2007, August 27th
- Establishes the quality procedure of water for human consumption by revising the Decree-Law no. 243/2001, September 5th, with the purpose of protecting human health from the harmful effects resulting from water contamination and ensure the universal availability of clean water.
Decree-Law no. 5/97, March 31st
- The purpose of the present Regulation is to define the conditions to which water parks, hereinafter designated as parks, must obey, in order to provide users with the appropriate safety conditions, to limit the risk of accidents, facilitate the evacuation of the users and victims and to allow for the intervention of means of rescue.